File Storage Emulated 0 Download Url Htm

broken image

  1. Storage Emulated 0 Recording
  2. File Storage Emulated 0 Download Url Html Editor
  3. Emulated Storage Android Hacker

In this tutorial we are simply saving the the drawable resource image which already saves into drawable folder inside android application to external storage. We are storing image on button click in memory card of our device. So here is the complete step by step tutorial for Save/Store image to External storage android example tutorial.

Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share. An M4A file is a MPEG-4 Audio file usually found in Apple's iTunes Store as the format of song downloads. ITunes and many other programs can be used to open M4A files.

Note: Put the sample image into drawable-hdpi folder.

This is the demo image.

Note : Please add WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to your AndroidManifest.xml file.

File storage emulated 0 download url html editor

How to Save/Store image to External storage android example tutorial.

Code for file.

Code for activity_main.xml layout file.

Code for AndroidManifest.xml file.


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What's the easiest way to convert from a to a File in Android?

Tried the following but it doesn't work:

Storage Emulated 0 Recording


What you want is…

… and not…

NOTE:url.toString() return a String in the format: 'file:///mnt/sdcard/myPicture.jpg', whereas url.getPath() returns a String in the format: '/mnt/sdcard/myPicture.jpg',


There is no 'easy' way to do this. A Uri is not a File. A Uri does not have to represent a file on the filesystem that you can access. The Uri might point to content that is:

  • stored on removable storage, which you cannot access
  • stored on internal storage of another app, which you cannot access
  • stored in an encrypted form, where a ContentProvider needs to decrypt it
  • stored in a BLOB column of a SQLite database, where a ContentProvider needs to load it and serve it
  • stored in 'the cloud', where a ContentProvider needs to download it
  • generated on the fly, the way this Web page is
  • and so on

You can use ContentResolver and openInputStream() to get an InputStream on the content represented by the Uri. You can create a FileOutputStream on some file that you control. And, you can use Java I/O to copy from the InputStream to the OutputStream, making your own copy of the content in a file that you control.


EDIT: Sorry, I should have tested better before. This should work:

URI is


After searching for a long time this is what worked for me:



directly and copy the file. Also see:


None of this works for me. I found this to be the working solution:


File Storage Emulated 0 Download Url Html Editor

@CommonsWare explained all things quite well. And we really should use the solution he proposed.

By the way, only information we could rely on when quering ContentResolver is a file's name and size as mentioned here:
Retrieving File Information | Android developers

As you could see there is an interface OpenableColumns that contains only two fields: DISPLAY_NAME and SIZE.

In my case I was need to retrieve EXIF information about a JPEG image and rotate it if needed before sending to a server. To do that I copied a file content into a temporary file using ContentResolver and openInputStream()


I made this like the following way:

So basically first I try to use a file i.e. picture taken by camera and saved on SD card. This don't work for image returned by:
Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
That case there is a need to convert Uri to real path by getRealPathFromURI() function.
So the conclusion is that it depends on what type of Uri you want to convert to File.


You can get File from file Uri using the following method. It has DocumentFile for parameter but you can change it easily. Easiest way to test this method to create file uri using DocumentFile.fromFile(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()); which has a Uri file:///storage/emulated/0

Instead of creating Files from Uri use DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(Context, Uri) or DocumentFile.fromSingleri(Context, Uri) to create or delete files and for streams use getContentResolver().openOutputStream(documentFile.getUri()) and getContentResolver().openInputStream(documentFile.getUri()) for writing files or reading from files.


For folks that are here looking for a solution for images in particular here it is.


Emulated Storage Android Hacker

File imageToUpload = new File(new URI(androidURI.toString())); works if this is a file u have created in the external storage.

For example file:///storage/emulated/0/(some directory and file name)

Tags: android, file

broken image